IN-LED 신호등
교통사고 감소를 위해, 우리는
시인성이 우수하고 다양한 밝기를 제공하는
IN-LED 신호등을 개발했습니다.
이 신호등은 낮이나 밤, 어떤 기상 조건에서도
신호를 명확하게 인식할 수 있게 도와줍니다.
또한 뛰어난 내구성을 자랑하며,
향상된 에너지 효율성으로 제품의 안정성을 보장합니다.
Traffic Safety Facility Approval
This product was submitted to the 68th Traffic Safety Facilities Review Committee in December 2023,
and as a result of the review,
it was adopted as a new traffic safety facility product.
Acquired IP67 waterproof and dustproof test certification
The traffic light has been enhanced to a two-step higher water and dust resistance rating (IP44 to IP67),
minimizing signal outage incidents.
Certificate of Designation as an Innovative Product
This product was designated as an innovative product in July 2024,
and you can find it at the Innovation Fair.
Deliberation and adoption of traffic safety facilities
As a result of deliberation by the 68th Transportation Safety Facilities Deliberation Committee in December 2023,
the IN-LED TRAFFIC LIGHT was adopted as a new traffic safety facility product.
Obtained IP67 waterproof and dustproof test report
Two levels of enhanced water and dust resistance compared
to existing traffic lights (IP67), the traffic light discharge phenomenon has been minimized.
TRASYS Direct Production Confirmation Certificate
TRASYS directly provides a production confirmation certificate.
We guarantee that the entire product process is directly managed and manufactured.
제 68차
교통 안전 시설물 심의 채택
As a result of deliberation by the 68th Transportation Safety Facilities Deliberation Committee in December 2023,
the IN-LED traffic light was adopted as a new traffic safety facility product.
교통 안전 시설물 심의 채택
This product was submitted to the 68th Traffic Safety Facilities Review Committee in December 2023,
and as a result of the review,
it was adopted as a new traffic safety facility product.
Traffic Safety Facility Approval
Back in
This product was submitted to the 68th Traffic Safety Facilities Review Committee in December 2023,
and as a result of the review,
it was adopted as a new traffic safety facility product.
IN-LED 신호등 개발배경
Obstructing the view
of large vehicles in front
(vehicles with high bodies)
Obstruction of vision
due to weather effects
such as rain, fog.
Obstruction of visibility
from external elements
around traffic lights.
제품 특장점
Minimizing visual disturbance
due to increased visibility
Prevent traffic accidents.
Made of aluminum, it prevents corrosion caused by external environmental factors and ensures LED lifespan with IP67 waterproof and dustproof certification.
With automatic brightness adjustment based on season and time of day,
it provides optimal brightness.
Using polycarbonate material
with UV rating, it prevents discoloration caused by solar heat.
Economic Efficiency
Due to the application of individual enclosures, maintenance is very easy.
제품 구성은 교통신호등 상단 바의 시작지점부터 설치되어
교통신호상태를 표출하는 장치인 표출부와,
표출부의 이상작동에 대한 제어 등을 하는 제어부와
보행신호등의 상태를 수집하는 옵션보드로 구성되어 있습니다.
표 출 부
녹색,녹색 점멸,적색으로
표출하는 장치
옵 션 보 드
옵션보드로 부터
보행신호등의 상태를 수집
제 어 부
표출부의 등화제어,조광제어,
이상작동에 대한
제어 등을 하는 장치
제품 구성
시범운영 및 효과분석
해당 제품은 ‘22.11.29. 전북 전주시 및 군산시에
설치하여 시범운영을 진행하였으며,
효과분석을 진행하여 아래 결과를 도출하였습니다.
제품 사양
Model name | S-1(5m) | S-1 (7m) | S-1 (9m) |
LED 함체 규격 | 800 * 900 * 42 | ||
LED 함체 개수 | 5 SET | 7 SET | 9 SET |
LED IP 등급 | IP 67 | ||
형태 | 일방형 / 양방형 | ||
부착대 재질 | Aluminum | ||
안전 최대 풍속 | 60m/s | ||
부착대 규격 | ø200 * 5m | ø200 * 7m | ø200 * 9m |
LED 기대수명 | 100,000시간 | ||
신호등주 규격 | ø250 * 8m / ø300 * 8m | ||
신호등주 재질 | STS304 | ||
옵션 | 시공·디밍기능·교통신호제어기 |